
More teens leaving Facebook for other sites

More teens leaving Facebook for other sites

More teenagers are leaving Facebook for other online platforms that feature images or videos and give them more control over who can be their friends. Based on a new Pew Research Center survey, only 51% of US teens are using Facebook. By contrast, 69% of US teens were reported to be using Snapchat, 72% Instagram, and 85% YouTube.

Healthcare: Prevent insider threats

Healthcare is the only industry where insider threats pose the greatest threat to sensitive data, with 58 percent of security incidents coming from people working within the organization itself. Here’s a look at five ways to prevent such breaches.

#1 Educate - The workforce (meaning all healthcare employees) must be educated on allowable uses and disclosures of protected health information (PHI) and the risk associated with certain behaviors, patient privacy, and data security.

“Black Dot” crashes iOS messaging app

An emoji encrypted with a series of hidden codes has been reported to disable and crash the messaging apps of Apple Macs, iPads, and iPhones. Read on to discover how you can address this problem before it does severe damage to your device.

What is going on?
A bug, known as "Black Dot,” is locking the messaging app on Apple devices running iOS 11.3 and 11.4 beta with Apple TVs and Apple Watches also at risk.

What to tweak when setting up Windows 10

There are things that need to be done after unboxing a new laptop. After installing Microsoft's Windows 10, you need to unlock its full potential by tweaking some important settings. The best thing to do is get help from a technician, but there are a few things you can do without assistance.

Do WP security updates cause problems?

It's important for every business to install security patches in WordPress (WP), given the growing number of cyberthreats targeting businesses. Apart from defending your website from threats, patches guarantee that your business stays intact and your data remains in safe hands.

AI-powered advances in customer support

High-quality products and services can make a business successful, but exceptional customer service is what makes customers come back. This is why companies constantly try to innovate their customer service strategy -- and some do it by adding artificial intelligence (AI) into the mix.

Protect your Facebook and Twitter from hackers

Protect your Facebook and Twitter from hackers

In the wake of Facebook’s worldwide privacy scandal, it’s time to revisit some social media best practices. Your information is incredibly valuable, and you can’t rely on social media platforms to keep it safe from hackers. Heed these tips to make sure your Facebook and Twitter accounts are well secured.

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